Saturday, August 4, 2007

Where are they now?

Funny story: I'm going through a box of old papers and I come across this little Day-Tripper style 6-ring binder (The kind that came with the deluxe version of Dynodex). Anyway, I open it up and I see that at some point way back when I printed out various addresses using the software. One set of addresses is the entire staff at ComputerWare corporate. This dates way back to probably 1990-1991 because Roger Reid was still listed as CEO. I start to reminisce (we just had a ComputerWare reunion a few weeks ago and I was having a hard time remembering these people's names...)

So I go through all the names to see if any ring any bells. Some do, some don't. (I worked at the Palo Alto and Santa Cruz stores and seldom met people at Bayshore face to face). I get through all the departments and come to Tech Support. There at the bottom next to Kurt Widmann, Keith Redfield and Peter Corless is this name "Arnaldo Miranda". My current position as StuffIt Mac QA Lead was previously occupied by Arnoldo Miranda. He's now one of our software engineers (on the dark side!!!). I shot him an email and it turns out, our Arnoldo is one and the same...

Anyway, here's the directory. Maybe it will kick-start a few of your brain cells too...

--Eric Kopf
PS: My apologies for any typos...
PPS: If you want to know what anyone's old phone number was I can provide that info :-)

ComputerWare Bayshore Directory (circa 1990-1)

Naomi Estep
Andrea Morris
AnnMarie Pasmore
Diana Marcus
Maria Elena Macarty
Michael Moore
Regina Moguillansky
Rick Bonin
Sandie Gibson

Judy Bergland
Kim Perkins
Laura Klaus
Mae Klein
Mary Yardley

The "Brass"
Roger Reed - CEO
Dick Meigs
Geaff Stoller

"Brass Support"
Chris Halaska
Jack Winkle
Michael Boucher

Business Development
Margaret Leventhal

Nicholas De Paul

Mary McCarthy
Jeff McHenry
Ken Briot

Creative Services
Joanne Lesser
Mary Swift

Customer Service
Cheri Brown
Michael Winger

Direct Sales
Marianne Cleary
Andrew Ruff
Cathy Weiss
Joel Frankel
Sarah Landau

Dist. Coordinator
Jason Elliott

Richard Buckley

Pierre Pellisier
Abrahim Kalezan
Jonathan Braun

Human Resources
Annie Kavanagh
Michael Hyde
Suzanne DeSandre

Ann McLaughlin
Bryan Searing

-----------Printing problem - I could only read parts of these--------------
...rd Gresse
...iggs Searing
Pfred Arseneault
Stephen D'Andrea

Victor Stephenson

Chris Stefani
Rick Johnston

Robert Cudd
Sheryl Lee
Terry Lesser

Marketing Reps
Jennider Wread
Laurie Gibson
Rose Meagher

Night Picking
Dan Hoover

Ken Krich

Lynda Akkelquist
John Parkin
Julie Martinsen
Matthew Hartman
Richard Muro
Stephanie Paulson

Norman Durang

Brian Martensen
George McClure
Will Cerdarholm

Bob Easthope

Sales & Marketing
Geoff Westerfield
Linden Skjeie
Michael Laster

Frank Hendershott

Tech Services
Kurt Widmann
Keith Redfield
Arnoldo Miranda
Perter Corless